TC: Nova Crafting Stress-Test
February 11th, 2012
The SWGEmu Development Division
TC: Nova Crafting Stress-Test - 02/11/2012
OK this time we get down to business,
We will start off at 3PM EST with a QA meeting in the IRC #openqa channel (one hour before the crafting stress-test) meeting will be open to public.
After the meeting, starting at 4 PM EST (check your local time here) on Saturday (February 11th), the developers and QA are looking to perform a massive crafting stress-test on TC: Nova that will last roughly 3 hours. We need as many people as possible to log in, so please join us and Nova's rapid progression by contributing to our latest crafting stress-test!
PLEASE NOTE: TC: NOVA is not going to be wiped, we strongly suggest you log on to you characters a few hours before the QA meeting and crafting test and start producing necessary components.
We would like to test crafting, all areas. We want to know about issues with schematis, about broken schematics, components not working/affecting schematics, not producing the correct item, experimentation not working. Every single thing needs to be tested and retested. Any and all bugs need to be reported on Mantis (Bug Tracker).
Yes, factories will be necessary for crafting required identical components. All other structure deeds except factory deeds will be removed from Blue Frogs. World spawns (lairs) around major cities will also be disabled, that should keep the landscape clean and safe for factory placement.
Factories have been edited to produce 1 item per second.
WHERE?Nova Test Center (TC: Nova)
WHEN?4:00 PM - 7 PM EST (GMT-5)
HOW?Make a character on TC: Nova, use Character Builder Terminals (Blue Frogs) that can be found in front of every star port, to learn one of the crafting professions, or to obtain tools and resources deeds
IS QUALITY OF WHAT WE CRAFT IMPORTANT?No, the most important thing is to see if the crafting process works properly, and to find out if and what parts of crafting process are buggy, broken or missing.
WILL NOVA BE WIPED AGAIN?No, TC: Nova will not be wiped before we begin this crafting stress-test.
WHAT ABOUT LIBERATOR?For the duration for this stress-test Liberator will be OFFLINE.
Once again log in as many characters as your computer can handle. Remember this is not just stress test, there are specific tasks we need to complete. Those who never submitted a bug report should check this guide first: How to report bugs on Bug Tracker (Mantis). A well written bug report will make QA's job much easier. Remember to keep up-to-date on our testing information, and check as often as you can End of Liberator Milestone.
- The SWGEmu Development Division