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Rifleman FAQ v1.93   [ Edited ]
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

12 ratings - 4.6 average

 One of the questions commonly asked on this board is what are the Rifleman specials and what do they do. Here is something the help out in that regard. Specials are listed alphabetically.

 Here is a list of the Riflmen specials from Rifleman and Marksman. They are accurate in description to the best of my knowledge. If you find an error let me know and I will correct it.

  FAQ : What are the Rifleman specials and what do they do?

Conceal Shot – Rifleman Concealment I : An attack that allows you to attack targets in PvE without being detected and attacked. The target can still detect you normally by coming close to you or if you miss a certain number of times. If standing you are detected on the first miss, kneeling on the second, and prone on the third. You can reset this miss counter by using the peace command.** Caution – This special sometimes causes a bleed. You will be detected when the bleed ‘ticks’ ** Damage 2.5X  Time 3.0X  Effect : Remain undected

Flurry Shot 1 – Rifleman Rifle Abilites I : This attack can cause a dizzy state on a target. While Dizzy, the target can not burst run and may fall over if it makes a voluntary posture change. Damage 2.5X  Time 2.0X  Effect : Dizzy attack

Flurry Shot 2 – Rifleman Rifle Abilities III : This attack can cause a dizzy state on multiple targets. While Dizzy, the targets can not burst run and may fall over if they make a voluntary posture change. Damage 2.0X  Time 2.3X  Effect : AoE Dizzy attack

Flushing Shot 1 – Rifleman Counter-Sniping I : This attack can cause a Stun state on the target. While Stunned, the target has lower defenses and forfeits its next attack. Damage 2.0X  Time 2.1X  Effect : Stun + Posture Up

Flushing Shot 2 – Rifleman Counter-Sniping III : This attack can cause a Stun state on multiple targets. While Stunned, the target has lower defenses and forfeits its next attack.Damage 4.0X  Time 2.6X  Effect : AoE Stun + Posture Up

Head Shot 1 – Marksman Rifles I : Ranged attack that targets the Mind pool. Damage 1.5X  Time 1.5X  Effect : Mind pool targeting

Head Shot 2 – Marksman Rifles III : Ranged attack that targets the Mind pool. Damage 2.5X  Time 1.75X  Effect : Mind pool targeting

Head Shot 3 – Rifleman Sniping II : Ranged attack that targets the Mind pool. Damage 3.0X  Time 2.0X  Effect : Mind pool targeting

Mind Shot 1 – Marksman Rifles IV : Ranged attack that targets the Mind pool and causes a bleed. Damage 1.5X  Time 1.8X  Effect : Mind pool targeting + Bleed DoT

Mind Shot 2 – Rifleman Sniping I : Ranged attack that targets the Mind pool and causes a bleed. Damage 2.0X  Time 2.0X  Effect : Mind pool targeting + Bleed DoT

Sneak – Rifleman Concealment III : This ability allows the Rifleman to crawl while using TakeCover

Sniper Shot – Rifleman Sniping IV : Ranged Deathblow attack. Can only be performed in PvP vs an opponent that is incapped.** Caution - even while incapped, it is possible for the target to Dodge or Counter-Attack and negate this ** Damage 50pts  Time ??  Effect : Ranged DB

Startle Shot 1 – Rifleman Counter-Sniping II : This attack can cause the target to raise its posture. Damage 2.0X  Time 2.1X  Effect : Posture Up

Startle Shot 2 – Rifleman Counter-Sniping IV : This attack can cause multiple targets to raise their posture. Damage 4.0X  Time 2.6X  Effect : AoE Posture Up

Strafe Shot 1 – Rifleman Novice : Attack that can clear a target from a covered (Take Cover) state. Damage 2.0X  Time 2.0X  Effect : Removes Cover (Take Cover)

Strafe Shot 2 – Rifleman Master : Attack that can clear multiple targets from a covered (Take Cover) state. Damage 5.0X  Time 3.5X  Effect : AoE + Removes Cover (Take Cover)

Surprise Shot – Rifleman Sniping III : Ranged surprise attack that can only be performed from cover (Take Cover). ** This special is currently broken. It can be performed without being in cover (Take Cover) **. Damage 3.0X  Time 3.0X  Effect : ?? Currently broken

Take Cover – Marksman Rifles II : Can only be done while prone.. Increases your ranged defense. You can not move while using this ability unless you have the Sneak ability. Effect : Increases Ranged Defense


  FAQ : What is an AoE attack?  AoE stand for area of effect. For ranged weapons the AoE goes out in a cone approximately 30 degrees in width. This is different than melee AoE attacks which are radius attacks. You will only cause damage to targets that are currently aggro'd on you. You will see hits to non-aggro'd targets in the combat spam, however they will take no damage until they gain aggro on you or a party member.

  Know issue with AoE attacks. AoE ranged attacks can cause aggro even though there is no line of sight. This will cause targets on the other sides of walls and such to gain aggro on you if they are caught in the cone effect. This will draw MOBs on you in places such as caves and the Corvette.

  FAQ : I Dizzied a target with FlurryShot1/2 and then used StartleShot/FlushingShot/SuprressionShot to change it's psoture, but it never falls down. Is something broken?

  No. The Dizzy/KD or Dizzy/posture change 'flopping fish' effect you are trying to cause only works on voluntary posture changes. A target that is Dizzy only has a chance to fall down if IT tries to change it's posture. Not if a posture change is FORCED upon it. Also Dizzy has no effect on creatures, only on NPC's.



Message Edited by Waste93 on 07-20-2004 06:58 PM

Message Edited by Waste93 on 08-14-2004 02:42 PM

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93

07-07-2004 11:04 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93   [ Edited ]
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

1 rating - 5.0 average

  FAQ : At what level do you get the to use weapon XXX?
  FAQ : What is the AP of weapon XXX?
  FAQ : What kind of damage does weapon XXX do?
Weapon                             Damage Type           Armor Piercing               Certification
Berserker                           Heat                          None                               Rifleman - Rifle Abilities III
Bowcaster                          Energy                      None                              Wookiee
CDEF Rifle                         Energy                     None                               Innate
DLT20                                Energy                      None                               Marksman - Novice
DLT20a                              Energy                      None                               Marksman - Rifle I
DXR-6b Disruptor              Acid                          Medium                           Rifleman - Counter-Sniping II
E11 Rifle                            Energy                      Medium                           Marksman - Rifle IV
Jawa Ion                            Stun                           Light                               Marksman - Rifle IV
Laser Rifle                         Energy                      Medium                           Marksman - Rifle II
Lithitanium Rifle                Energy                      Light                                Marksman - Rifle I **
SG82                                 Cold                          None                               Marksman - Rifle II
Spraystick                         Energy                      None                               Marksman - Rifle III
T21                                    Energy                     Heavy                              Rifleman - Novice
Tusken Rifle                      Energy                      Light                                Marksman - Rifle I
** The certification for the Lithitanium is a guess. This is based on the fact that the Lithitanium is a modified Tusken Rifle. As the Modified Repulic Blaser uses the same cert as the Republic Blaster, as do the FWG5 and the Featherweight FWG5 and E-11 carbine and Enhanced E-11 carbine.
  FAQ : What are the stats on weapon XXX?
  FAQ : How much does weapon XXX sell for?
  Neither of these questions can be easily be answered. Weapon stats are dependent on the material stats used in it's construction and how well experimented upon the weapon is. You will probably get the best information by asking around on your server and looking at what's available from WS's.
  Also the cost of weapons is dependent on the server, the whim of the WS, availability of materials, demand for the weapon, and the quality of the weapon.

  FAQ : What does AP and AR stand for?

  FAQ : How does AP vs AR work? 

  AP means Armor Piercing. When you look at a weapon it will say None, Light, Medium, or Heavy. Those translate to AP0, AP1, AP2, and AP3.
  AR stands for Armor Level and also has None, Light, Medium, and Heavy. AR0, AR1, AR2, and AR3. All player armor is AR1.

  For each level that the AP is above the AR of the target you get a 25% cummalative bonus to damage. So AP3 vs AR0 (3steps) is 195% damage. AP3 vs AP1 or AP2 vs AR0 (2steps) means 156% damage. AP3 vs AR2, AP2 vs AR1, or AP1 vs AR0 (1step) means 125% damage. If even then it's 100% damage.

  If the target is vulnerable to the damage type then the the target is considered AR0 and the weapon loses any AP bonus. It basically becomes AP0.

  For each level that the armor is greater than the AP, you lose 50% damage. So 1step is 50%, 2steps 25%, and 3steps 12.5%.

  So which AP is better? Usually the higher the AP the better off you are. But it will depend on the targets resists. It is possible that a weapon with a lower AP is better because the target may have lower resists to it. Also the lower AP could be better if the target is vulnerable to the higher AP damage type since you lose the AP bonus in that case.


Message Edited by Waste93 on 07-25-2004 11:04 AM

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-07-2004 11:04 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93   [ Edited ]
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

1 rating - 5.0 average

  FAQ : What is the quickest way to level Rifleman?
  You are going to have to kill a lot of things. Find targets that you feel comfortable killing and gives a good XP payout. Also group with a pet or droid. Doing this gives you an XP bonus of 15-20%. It makes leveling much faster.
  Your favorite targets at lower level will be those you can take out with just a couple HeadShots or those that use ranged attacks. At lower levels you will have great difficulty hitting targets that are in melee with you.
  FAQ : What weapons should I use while leveling?
  The T21 is a good weapon. However it's speed and HAM costs are high. If possible get it sliced and hope for a good speed slice. If you can afford one, get a DXR-6b also. They have great accuracy and are AP2. A Laser Rifle can still be useful though it has a larger variance between the min damage and max damage. It is faster and has lower HAM costs than the T21. If you have WarningShot and use it, then a Spraystick may be a good choice too. It will let you fire very fast compared to the other weapons at the lower levels. Use it to drive away the MOB then switch back to your heavy hitters. If you are going to do some PvP then a Jawa is considered an near neccessity.
  FAQ : What should I hunt as a Rifleman?
  This is going to depend. What other skills do you have? Do you have a pet tank? Generally I recommend that the Novice Rifleman fight against MOB's that use ranged attacks. At this lower level your accuracy will be poor so it is helpful if you can keep your target at your optimal range. This increases the frequency of your hits and allows you to kill and earn XP much faster.
  Any target you can take out in a couple HeadShots should be considered a target. That usually translates to 5k or less in that pool.
  Some popular MOB's in the past have been Quenkers, Torturs, Levisqualls and many others. Find what you are comfortable hunting and can take out that has a good XP yield to risk factor. I'd reccommend MOB's that do not DB at first.
  FAQ : What branch of the Rifleman tree should I go up first?
  There is some debate on this. Mostly it comes down to your play style. There are two main ways.
  If you have pet tank or someone to tank for you on a regular basis. Go up Counter-Sniping first until you get Counter-Sniping III. This will give you FlushingShot2 which is an AoE attack. With someone to tank for you and using the AoE attack, you should be able to rack up the Rifle XP.
  If you are a solo player or do not have or want a pet tank. I would recommend going up to Accuracy II. Then Concealment  I for ConcealShot. This will give you the HeadShots and MindShots, increase your accuracy, and ConcealShot which is helpful for the solo Rifleman Novice. From there finish off Accuracy. Then go up Counter-Sniping. Then finish off Concealment. Some will say to go for FlushingShot2 even when you solo. However since this is an AoE attack it will aggro all the targets in the cone. As such if fighting melee MOB you will be hard pressed to hit at melee ranges. Go thru Accuracy first will help in this regard.
  Regardless of which method you use, as soon as you get the Combat XP use it for Rifle Abilities. The speed increases there are one of the most important mods a Rifleman can get. Some would say the single most important one.
  FAQ : What speed mod does the Rifleman need to hit the speed cap?
  As a Master Rifleman you will have +90 speed. If you get Master Marksman you will get an additional +5. This means you will have a speed of 10% (only Master Rifle) or 5% (plus Master Marksman) of the weapons listed speed. The biggest delay mod in Rifleman is 3.5X for StrafeShot2. The general consensus is that you will pretty much be capped out with most weapons at +97. But it will depend on the base speed of the weapon.
  If you have only Master Rifle (+90) you will cap weapons with speeds of 2.9 or less with StrafeShot2. With Master Marksman (+95) you cap at speeds of 5.7 or less with StrafeShot2. With +97 you cap at base speeds of 9.52 or less,  which should cover even a mediocre speed T21 with StrafeShot2.
  FAQ : What does the Rifleman need to hit the accuracy cap?
  There is no cap on accuracy
  FAQ : What does the Rifleman need to hit XXX defense?
  Defense caps at +125. However they can go a bit higher with skill attachments and some Squad Leader specials.
  FAQ : Should I dabble in Rifleman?
  Generally the answer is no. Rifleman is one of the rare professions that the Master box actually makes a difference and it's a big one. You will be missing out on a lot of the advantages of Rifleman if you do not Master.
  However if you are still intent on dabbling. Decide how you want to play your character. Go up Rifle Abilities for the speed. Then either go up Accuracy for the HeadShot and MindShots and increased accuracy, or Counter-Sniping for FlushingShot2. You could also choose Concealment I for ConcealShot. A lot will depend on how many skill points you want to spend in the profession and how you want to play.




Message Edited by Waste93 on 12-24-2004 07:29 AM

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-07-2004 11:04 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93   [ Edited ]
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

2 ratings - 4.0 average

  FAQ : What does the status xxx do?
  Blind : A target suffering Blind will have it's accuracy decreased.
  Dizzy : A target that is Dizzy can not BurstRun. Also if the target makes a voluntary posture change, there is a change it will fall over. Dizzy only works on Players and NPCs. It has no effect on creature MOBs.
  Intimitate : A target suffering from Intimitation will do reduced damage. It is also easier to stick a status effect on a Stunned target and may lose secondary defenses (Block/Dodge/CounterAttack).
  Knockdown : A target suffering from a KD is flat on it's back. Any attacks to a KD target gets a damage bonus.
  Stun : A target that is Stunned loses one combat round. Also their defenses are lowered. A Stunned target also does less damage.


Message Edited by Waste93 on 07-25-2004 11:06 AM

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-07-2004 11:04 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

/save for future

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-07-2004 11:05 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93   [ Edited ]
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

 Useful or Interesting Rifleman links :


  The Original Rifleman FAQ by Klawlegna : Rifleman FAQ

  The Newbie Helper by Ackehece : Newbie Helper

Gun Breakdown by Veine : Gun Breakdown

  A Weapons Comparison by VolstedGridban (older post and some information may be out of date) : Weapons Comparrison

  A Template Builder : Template Builder

  A Damage (DPS) Calculator : DPS Calculator

  The Abriged History of Sniping by Waste93 : Abriged History of Sniping

Message Edited by Waste93 on 02-03-2005 11:01 PM

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-07-2004 11:05 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 843
Registered: 08-07-2003

PA: Definitely not Dxun's Children
Server: Flurry

On the stun state... I noticed that it lowers damage significantly, around 25-35%. It also makes fencers hittable... flushing shot 2 is my favorite rifleman skill

Cradossk- Master RifleLizard

“I am no man!”

Cradossk- Master SwordLizard

Owning Rebels since the day I spawned

07-07-2004 01:56 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Squadron Leader
Posts: 3930
Registered: 09-11-2003

PA: Outriders
Server: Eclipse

Nice work!
May want to clarify that the AoEs work on multiple targets within an approximate 30 degree wide cone as opposed to the 360 degees of melee spin attacks.

Kezia Sunshade
RIS Certified - Master Armorsmith - 12 Exp. Pts
Vendor locations:
Outland, Naboo (7013, 3646) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor & Imperial Prototype PSGs
Elexis' Hard Wars Cafe in Paradox, Lok (1330, -305) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor
07-07-2004 04:19 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

XaverriJade7 wrote:
Nice work!
May want to clarify that the AoEs work on multiple targets within an approximate 30 degree wide cone as opposed to the 360 degees of melee spin attacks.

  Done. Also, are the fonts different sizes? It seems to keep changing font size on me for some unknown reason.

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-07-2004 04:38 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Squadron Leader
Posts: 3930
Registered: 09-11-2003

PA: Outriders
Server: Eclipse

Waste93 wrote:

XaverriJade7 wrote:
Nice work!
May want to clarify that the AoEs work on multiple targets within an approximate 30 degree wide cone as opposed to the 360 degees of melee spin attacks.

  Done. Also, are the fonts different sizes? It seems to keep changing font size on me for some unknown reason.

They are different in post 1 and post 2, but within the posts, they match up just fine. Looks good to me

Kezia Sunshade
RIS Certified - Master Armorsmith - 12 Exp. Pts
Vendor locations:
Outland, Naboo (7013, 3646) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor & Imperial Prototype PSGs
Elexis' Hard Wars Cafe in Paradox, Lok (1330, -305) - Kashyyykian Hunting Armor
07-07-2004 05:53 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 1424
Registered: 07-24-2003

PA: MAW - Miners and Warriors
Server: Intrepid

Great job as usual, Waste.  I would like to offer a couple of changes, though.
/Sneak  was not removed.  It may have originally been intended to be a /command, but it is now a passive skill.  Sneak allows you to move while under cover.  From the time you get /TakeCover until you get to Concealment III where you obtain Sneak, you are immobile while in cover.  Once you get Concealment III, you are able to crawl while in cover.  This is the way it has always worked as far as I can tell, or at least it has worked this way since I got it towards the end of last year.  So Sneak is not gone.  It is just not a command.
This, then, should also update your comments on TakeCover since, once you have Concealment III and Sneak, you are no longer immobile while in cover.
On Concealshot, are you sure about the miss counts?  I have never gotten three misses as far as I can tell, even when prone, not that we miss much at Master, anyway.  But if you are correct, I would guess it has more to do with detectability than just posture.  That is, I would expect that you may be able to get two misses if you are at close to 64m even if you are standing but that you may not get two misses if you are,say, at 30m, even if you are prone.  It is something someone other than a Master would have to test because of the high accuracy at Master.  Anyway, my experience has been that the only times I have ever gotten only one miss is when the creature was somewhat aware of me already, and I do not ever recall getting three misses.
Also, I doubt many, if any, of us can point to a time and say, "Boy, I remember the time I used Strafeshot and knocked that [guy | NPC] out of a covered state," since going prone in PvP is suicide and since no one uses it much after trying it out a few times.  But Strafeshot2 and, maybe, Strafeshot1 are supposed to have a delay as well.  Look back through the posts on the Warcry nerf.  Somewhere in the patch notes, there is a mention of a change in the a delay for Rifleman so that it, like the change to Warcry,  would no longer affect non-living targets.  At the time, the whole rifleman community went, "HUH!! What delay?  We have a delay??????"  From what I could gather from the context, it turns out that Strafeshot will delay the target when it knocks them out of cover.  Since no one uses cover, it is little wonder that we never knew about it.  It may  only be Strafeshot2, but the context never ruled out Strafeshot1, but either way, at least one of them has a delay effect as well, apparently.  I have never bothered trying to find out how it works since Cover is so uselss, but I will try to test it out next time I am on and report back.

Message Edited by Sotaudi on 07-07-2004 06:27 PM

Sotaudi Crestlighter
Master Rifleman / Master Doctor
"The Physician's Pain Reference"

Former Professions
Master Scout | Master Swordsman | Master Brawler | Ranger

07-07-2004 06:23 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

Sotaudi wrote:
Great job as usual, Waste.  I would like to offer a couple of changes, though.
/Sneak  was not removed.  It may have originally been intended to be a /command, but it is now a passive skill.  Sneak allows you to move while under cover.  From the time you get /TakeCover until you get to Concealment III where you obtain Sneak, you are immobile while in cover.  Once you get Concealment III, you are able to crawl while in cover.  This is the way it has always worked as far as I can tell, or at least it has worked this way since I got it towards the end of last year.  So Sneak is not gone.  It is just not a command.
  I'll double check. I was fairly sure the patch notes back in Dec or Jan said it was removed. But then the patch notes could have been wrong too.
This, then, should also update your comments on TakeCover since, once you have Concealment III and Sneak, you are no longer immobile while in cover.
On Concealshot, are you sure about the miss counts?  I have never gotten three misses as far as I can tell, even when prone, not that we miss much at Master, anyway.  But if you are correct, I would guess it has more to do with detectability than just posture.  That is, I would expect that you may be able to get two misses if you are at close to 64m even if you are standing but that you may not get two misses if you are,say, at 30m, even if you are prone.  It is something someone other than a Master would have to test because of the high accuracy at Master.  Anyway, my experience has been that the only times I have ever gotten only one miss is when the creature was somewhat aware of me already, and I do not ever recall getting three misses.
  I'm fairly positive on the shot count. Though I don't think it has much to do with ConcealShot as much as it does with the attacks you can do without getting detected from prone. When firing prone with a normal shot you get detected on the third hit. What I think happens is that the first two misses count against the two freebies you get for being prone. Not against the ConcealShot counter. So when you miss the third time that is the first ConcealShot miss it auto detects and it aggros. So the target really aggros on the first missed ConcealShot. However your posture gives you a couple freebies. One for Kneeling (so you aggro on the second miss) and two for prone.
  Just made Novice Rifleman on TC so I'll be able to test it so more once I get ConcealShot.
Also, I doubt many, if any, of us can point to a time and say, "Boy, I remember the time I used Strafeshot and knocked that [guy | NPC] out of a covered state," since going prone in PvP is suicide and since no one uses it much after trying it out a few times.  But Strafeshot2 and, maybe, Strafeshot1 are supposed to have a delay as well.  Look back through the posts on the Warcry nerf.  Somewhere in the patch notes, there is a mention of a change in the a delay for Rifleman so that it, like the change to Warcry,  would no longer affect non-living targets.  At the time, the whole rifleman community went, "HUH!! What delay?  We have a delay??????"  From what I could gather from the context, it turns out that Strafeshot will delay the target when it knocks them out of cover.  Since no one uses cover, it is little wonder that we never knew about it.  It may  only be Strafeshot2, but the context never ruled out Strafeshot1, but either way, at least one of them has a delay effect as well, apparently.  I have never bothered trying to find out how it works since Cover is so uselss, but I will try to test it out next time I am on and report back.
  Yea I remember that too. I think that if the target is in a covered state and you remove the cover it may act like a Stun where they miss their next attack. Or it could have been a delay like Warcry or PanicShot. If it was a Stun like effect it should still be in effect. If an actual delay it would have been removed with the delay nerfs.
  SS1 and SS2 should be the same in regards to this. The only difference between the two attacks is that one is AoE while the other isn't. Well you also have a difference in the damage multiplier and delay mods. But as for effect they are the same except for AoE.
  And yes going prone or using TakeCover is useless in PvP. It's just a very quick way to die. I'd be interested though to try to figure out if the bonus to Ranged Defense bonus while using it can push you over the +125 defense cap. If so it may have some use against ranged MOB's.

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-07-2004 08:05 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 1293
Registered: 09-10-2003

Server: Scylla

Waste93 wrote:

 Take Cover – Marksman Rifles II : Can only be done while prone.. Increases your ranged defense. You can not move while using this ability unless you have the Sneak ability. Effect : Increases Ranged Defense


Message Edited by Waste93 on 07-08-2004 07:12 AM

Actually unless this has recently been changed you can move while taking cover after you've hit concealment 3 which is where you get Sneak.  Also, they've recently (patch 8) removed the tumbling animation and timer so as soon as you /takecover you can use specials instead of having to wait 45 seconds to stop tumbling.  One other thing about Take Cover, since Publish (patch) 8 we now get /takecover to work about 98% of the time at master.  Granted not too many of us use /takecover other than for conceal shot at high level creatures but it's good to know it now works and we don't have to sit there and spam /takecover 5 times before it activates.
Bah... just noticed that you had that listed that you could move if you had sneak.  Nevermind, I'll go back to lurking on the GCW forums.

Message Edited by Veustuh on 07-08-2004 01:53 PM

You can't have balance with one unadjusted profession post CU/R/B

07-08-2004 11:52 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

Veustuh wrote:

Waste93 wrote:

 Take Cover – Marksman Rifles II : Can only be done while prone.. Increases your ranged defense. You can not move while using this ability unless you have the Sneak ability. Effect : Increases Ranged Defense


Message Edited by Waste93 on 07-08-2004 07:12 AM

Actually unless this has recently been changed you can move while taking cover after you've hit concealment 3 which is where you get Sneak.  Also, they've recently (patch 8) removed the tumbling animation and timer so as soon as you /takecover you can use specials instead of having to wait 45 seconds to stop tumbling.  One other thing about Take Cover, since Publish (patch) 8 we now get /takecover to work about 98% of the time at master.  Granted not too many of us use /takecover other than for conceal shot at high level creatures but it's good to know it now works and we don't have to sit there and spam /takecover 5 times before it activates.
Bah... just noticed that you had that listed that you could move if you had sneak.  Nevermind, I'll go back to lurking on the GCW forums.

Message Edited by Veustuh on 07-08-2004 01:53 PM

  I tested it this morning and updated the FAQ. Not sure about the 98% success though. I didn't get TakeCover to stick until the fourth try.

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-08-2004 12:17 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Squadron Leader
Posts: 1424
Registered: 07-24-2003

PA: MAW - Miners and Warriors
Server: Intrepid

Waste93 wrote:
  I'm fairly positive on the shot count. Though I don't think it has much to do with ConcealShot as much as it does with the attacks you can do without getting detected from prone. When firing prone with a normal shot you get detected on the third hit. What I think happens is that the first two misses count against the two freebies you get for being prone. Not against the ConcealShot counter. So when you miss the third time that is the first ConcealShot miss it auto detects and it aggros. So the target really aggros on the first missed ConcealShot. However your posture gives you a couple freebies. One for Kneeling (so you aggro on the second miss) and two for prone.
  Just made Novice Rifleman on TC so I'll be able to test it so more once I get ConcealShot.

It would make sense that way.  That is, that the miss is counted like a non-Concealshot.  I would expect, then, that it is a more complex issue than just a number of missed shots.  For instance, before I was a Master Rifleman, three (non-Concealshot) shots was about average for about how long it would take for the creature to aggro on me if I was prone and at the appropriate range.  Early on, it was only about 2 shots and, somewhere before Master, it got to be about 3 or 4 shots.  However, now that I am a Master Rifleman, I get at least 6 free shots before they aggro on me.  In fact, with my DXR6b with a speed powerup and a 91 speed mod, I can often kill Enraged rancors using Headshot3 without getting aggroed.
That tells me that there is a time component to the formula more than just a set number of shots.  In other words, I think what happens is that it starts a timer when you shoot it with the first shot.  If you are still shooting it after the timer runs out, you will get aggroed.  That would make sense because in the time it takes a Novice Rifleman to shoot twice, in many instances, a Master Rifleman can get off 6 or more shots depending on the rifle speeds and specials used.
If this is the case and if Concealshot worked as you have suggested, it may be that you will find that the miss count will vary depending on when you miss.  For instance, if you miss twice in a row, you will probably get a third miss before they aggro.  But if you miss, then do not miss for a while, you may only get two misses because you have exceeded the timer I have suggested is involved.
It would probably take an enormous amount of data to confirm this either way because of the way Concealshot works.  But like we know that objects traveling near the speed of light do not behave as predicted by Newtonian physics, for all practical purposes, Newtonian physics works just fine for "everyday" use, so to speak.  Likewise, it may be that there is a timer involved, but for Concealshot, just assuming that you have a specific number of shots may be the most practical way to look at it.

Sotaudi Crestlighter
Master Rifleman / Master Doctor
"The Physician's Pain Reference"

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07-08-2004 02:22 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Squadron Leader
Posts: 1424
Registered: 07-24-2003

PA: MAW - Miners and Warriors
Server: Intrepid

Waste93 wrote:


  Yea I remember that too. I think that if the target is in a covered state and you remove the cover it may act like a Stun where they miss their next attack. Or it could have been a delay like Warcry or PanicShot. If it was a Stun like effect it should still be in effect. If an actual delay it would have been removed with the delay nerfs.
  SS1 and SS2 should be the same in regards to this. The only difference between the two attacks is that one is AoE while the other isn't. Well you also have a difference in the damage multiplier and delay mods. But as for effect they are the same except for AoE.
  And yes going prone or using TakeCover is useless in PvP. It's just a very quick way to die. I'd be interested though to try to figure out if the bonus to Ranged Defense bonus while using it can push you over the +125 defense cap. If so it may have some use against ranged MOB's.

The context was that it was an actual delay like Warcry, not a missed combat round like Stun.  Plus, the change to the Warcry/Panic Shot delay was that the delay would be broken when the target was attacked (took damage?) again.  They did not remove it, just made it so you could not delay them then get 10 to 20 seconds of free hits on them.  You can still delay them, then use the time to heal or get away.  As long as you do not continue to attack them, the delay will stick for its scheduled time.
That means that, if they applied the same rules to our "delay" the same way, it is, for all practical purposes, is useless.  Because even if they go into cover, if you knock them out of cover then delay them, unless it was your intent to get them out of cover then run away, you are going to keep shooting them, meaning the delay will go away with the next shot.
At least Warcy and Panic shot can be used at will.  We have to get our target to cooperate and go into cover before we can delay them.  /Sarcasm On...I can see a whole lot of uses for that, I can tell you.../Sarcasm Off.

Sotaudi Crestlighter
Master Rifleman / Master Doctor
"The Physician's Pain Reference"

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07-08-2004 02:35 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Community Veteran
Posts: 167
Registered: 07-07-2004

PA: Lethe-es Defenders
Server: Bria

Thank you for this post!! You are my hero!  As a new player and a budding Rifleman, this post was very helpful.

¤~Sefi Ar'Lya
Master Ranger | Master Rifleman
Lethe-es, Corellia

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Lethe-es Defenders FOREVER!

07-08-2004 04:59 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
SWG Petty Officer
Posts: 843
Registered: 08-07-2003

PA: Definitely not Dxun's Children
Server: Flurry

Have you ever even used stun? It doesn't make them miss a combat round... it lowers their damage output and makes them easier to hit..

Cradossk- Master RifleLizard

“I am no man!”

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Owning Rebels since the day I spawned

07-08-2004 05:02 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

Thebiglizard wrote:
Have you ever even used stun? It doesn't make them miss a combat round... it lowers their damage output and makes them easier to hit..

Cradossk- Master RifleLizard

“I am no man!”

 Stun also makes them miss one round. If you want to see this done, get into combat with someone and have them land and stick a stun on you while you spam an attack. Watch your combat spam, you will see a gap once the Stun state sticks. You can not however stick multiple Stuns to make the target keeping missing their attack. At least not until the Stun wears off and you stick another one. It also lowers their defenses and damage as you stated.

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-08-2004 06:15 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

Sotaudi wrote:

It would make sense that way.  That is, that the miss is counted like a non-Concealshot.  I would expect, then, that it is a more complex issue than just a number of missed shots.  For instance, before I was a Master Rifleman, three (non-Concealshot) shots was about average for about how long it would take for the creature to aggro on me if I was prone and at the appropriate range.  Early on, it was only about 2 shots and, somewhere before Master, it got to be about 3 or 4 shots.  However, now that I am a Master Rifleman, I get at least 6 free shots before they aggro on me.  In fact, with my DXR6b with a speed powerup and a 91 speed mod, I can often kill Enraged rancors using Headshot3 without getting aggroed.

That tells me that there is a time component to the formula more than just a set number of shots.  In other words, I think what happens is that it starts a timer when you shoot it with the first shot.  If you are still shooting it after the timer runs out, you will get aggroed.  That would make sense because in the time it takes a Novice Rifleman to shoot twice, in many instances, a Master Rifleman can get off 6 or more shots depending on the rifle speeds and specials used.

If this is the case and if Concealshot worked as you have suggested, it may be that you will find that the miss count will vary depending on when you miss.  For instance, if you miss twice in a row, you will probably get a third miss before they aggro.  But if you miss, then do not miss for a while, you may only get two misses because you have exceeded the timer I have suggested is involved.

It would probably take an enormous amount of data to confirm this either way because of the way Concealshot works.  But like we know that objects traveling near the speed of light do not behave as predicted by Newtonian physics, for all practical purposes, Newtonian physics works just fine for "everyday" use, so to speak.  Likewise, it may be that there is a timer involved, but for Concealshot, just assuming that you have a specific number of shots may be the most practical way to look at it.

  Don't think there is a timer they way you describe. As I understand what you are saying is that a timer starts once you start combat. If you miss after that timer expires then you get aggro'd. If true it should be fairly easy to test. All you have to do is find a very tough target with lots of HAM and spam ConcealShot on it and get a hit say two minutes into the combat. If the timer is at one minute then you should get aggro'd on the first miss.

  Though there may be a timer of a different sort now that you mention it. There could be some kind of timer between how long the MOB detects you and actually gains aggro. Once you get the last miss where it auto detects you, it may take a couple seconds for it to locate and gain aggro and start coming at you. The reason you may be getting six shots instead of the three I mention is that at Master you are firing fast enough to get in some extra shots between detection and coming after 'ya.

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-08-2004 06:22 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
SWG Crewman
Posts: 209
Registered: 09-10-2003

Server: Flurry

Another great post Waste.
One thing I saw on the Specials post that I think is wrong is the Flurry2 dmg modifier.  Last time I checked it wasn't a 4.0 dmg modifier but a 2.0 dmg modifier.  Did they change it without me knowing?  Otherwise everything else looks great, I just hope this will keep some of the standard questions off the boards.
07-09-2004 11:20 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Rifleman Correspondent
Posts: 4814
Registered: 07-08-2003

Server: Wanderhome

 Hunting/Leveling section added 07/09/04

Colonel Waste - The Wookiee Crusader

Abriged History of Sniping --- Weapons Data --- Rifleman FAQ v1.93
07-09-2004 07:13 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Squadron Leader
Posts: 2188
Registered: 07-28-2003


1 rating - 4.0 average

Take Cover – Marksman Rifles II : Can only be done while prone.. Increases your ranged defense. You can not move while using this ability unless you have the Sneak ability. Effect : Increases Ranged Defense

I just tried to take cover while standing and it tumbled me to prone and took cover. According to my stopwatch I was "tumbling" for 15 seconds.

Niiight the Wookiee on Starsider - One of Three Jetpack Crafters
Niiightingale Weaponry - /way 3050 3720 - Revenance, Lok
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07-10-2004 03:20 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Posts: 1531
Registered: 02-22-2004

Server: Starsider

1 rating - 3.0 average

You Supression Shot ( Rifleman KD )
I don't know why I'm telling you people this, but very few people know that using a combination of Flurry Shot 2(dizzy) and Supression Shot (Posture Down) you can very effictively knock down a target from a very large distance, works great when kiting
Combination of Dizzy and any Posture Change, up or down (Startle/Suprise I forgot works too) causes a target to KD

Starsider .-=*=-. Al-Chai Sonn .-=*=-. Master Doctor - Master Swordsman
Starsider .-=*=-. Nightsister Slayer .-=*=-. Ranger - Master SL
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07-10-2004 07:18 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

Re: Rifleman FAQ v1.93
Posts: 1531
Registered: 02-22-2004

Server: Starsider

should read
You **Forgot** Suppression

Starsider .-=*=-. Al-Chai Sonn .-=*=-. Master Doctor - Master Swordsman
Starsider .-=*=-. Nightsister Slayer .-=*=-. Ranger - Master SL
Proud member of the elite Sonn family, Brother to Kobushi, Bah-Hei, and Worrius

07-10-2004 07:19 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator
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