I have been holding this in all day today, and I just have to say it. The timing for this event was terrible, 3pm EST on a weekday? Many of us have jobs, and families. Friday nights my kids stay up later than on regular weekdays, so by the time everything was said and done and my kids were in bed and I could jump in game for a little bit the event was basically over. My crafter, Olympus, and main toon that I spent 99% of my time on Basilisk has zero combat skills. I loaded in Coronet, and could not even go back to my city on Tatooine, and be with my manufacturing center that I spent nearly a decade building. Instead I was forced PvP and was being killed over and over, and had to log onto my little used combat character and still got killed over and over because I was never much of a PvPer and did not have the gear for it.

The 30 second timer came, and I tried to switch back to Olympus for a proper send off. However, I did not make it and Basilisk ended while I was loading the screen to get into Olympus. I feel cheated to be honest, and it kind of sucks. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but a piss poor way to send off nearly a decade of play.

This should have been a 24 hour event, so that everyone could get a chance to join in the events.