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Thread: [POLICY] SWGEmu All Servers Rules and Policies

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    SWGEmu Admin Lolindir's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
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    [POLICY] SWGEmu All Servers Rules and Policies

    SWGEmu All Servers Rules and Policies

    Updated: January 6, 2022
    SWGEmu Staff

    Changes from last version is in green


    1.1. You will need an original SWG client. More details on this matter can be found here: [POLICY] Only original SWG client allowed
    • 1.1.1 Each account must have in its possession an original SWG client. Accepted are: The Complete Online Adventure, Starter Kit, Empire Divided, Total Experience, Digital Download from Steam, or a POP copy of a download from SWG when it was active.
    • 1.1.2 The Jump to Lightspeed disk is not accepted as an original disk set and is not needed. SWGEmu Launchpad will automatically download any expansions as they are released.
    1.2 Multiple SWGEmu Accounts are not permitted and will be banned without warning. There may only be one account per household and per person unless approved by our staff. Measures are incorporated to detect multiple user accounts. Please see the Account Issues Policy for help. You must go through Support in order to have the ban removed and to be approved. SWGEmu Admin reserves the right to refuse the account(s) from returning to our services.

    1.3 Connecting to our services through VPNs (Virtual Private Network) will not be accepted. Any account using this method of login will be rejected from our services and subject to an automatic ban. Public IP’s must be used in order to gain access to our services.

    1.4. Account security is the responsibility of the account owner. Within the SWGEmu Services, do not reply to anyone claiming to be a Moderator, Admin or Staff Member who is asking for your account name and password. We will never ask for your password. Contact support if someone asks you for your SWGEmu account password. You should use a strong password and do not use the same password as you use on other services.

    1.5. Do not share accounts. The rule now follows children as well, if you have a child in your home they are not allowed to share accounts as they must each have their own regardless of age, All children playing must be over the age of 13. Any account banned for another user's actions will not be unbanned at the request of the owner.

    1.6. Any and all stolen and/or compromised accounts that are reported to, or discovered by, SWGEmu Staff may be *suspended* in order to conduct an investigation.

    1.7. Any player found to be involved in an account theft will have all of his/her accounts and if relevant, household accounts banned. This results in a permanent ban from all our services.

    1.8. SWGEmu is not free. We are dependent on donations to be able to provide our services. Donations to SWGEmu are appreciated but not required. There is no reason to release your financial information, money or passwords to anyone. If someone has asked for this information please report it to SWGEmu Support

    1.9. On SWGEmu Servers, all accounts and characters used for financial gain will be deleted/banned. It is forbidden to use your account for:
    • 1.9.1. Soliciting real life monetary trades (RMT’s).
    • 1.9.2. Purchasing of in-game credits or items for real life currency.
    • 1.9.3. Exchange of in-game items/credits for real life items.
    • 1.9.4. Exchange of in-game items/credits for items/currency from other games.
    1.10. You are not allowed to use third party programs to "automate" your character. Use your in-game macros only. Buff Bots may not use anything that requires code outside the game. This includes external click automation via keyboards or programs Any account that is caught using third party programs is liable to disciplinary action.

    1.11. Banned accounts have no rights. You must Submit Ticket to request your case to be looked at. The Account owner must be aware that the entire account and all characters may be purged or deleted at will. Account Owner must also be aware that SWGEmu now bans accounts across all services.

    1.12 On the SWGEmu servers, characters, credits, buildings, structures, or items will not be restored or replaced under any circumstances.


    Streaming is defined as the art of broadcasting live gameplay for the purposes of other’s entertainment.
    2.1 Donations/Subs collected while streaming are allowed except when they violate section 2.2 this includes
    • 2.1.1 Donations/Subs given to reward the streamer for providing entertainment or game knowledge
    • 2.1.2 Donations/Subs collected in exchange for adopting a particular play style (e.g., rolling a Bothan dancer and developing the character on stream)
    • 2.1.3 In-game benefits to a viewer or the Streamer that are the result of donation/subs collected while streaming are not to be used for RMT means
    2.2 The actions that are not allowed while streaming include:
    • 2.2.1 An auction, or any other form of competition, where high-value in-game good(s) are given in exchange for donation/subs
    • 2.2.2 Donation/Subs are NOT allowed to be exchanged directly for any form of currency that would benefit a player in-game


    3.1 Account, Characters and Item Naming in SWGEmu should reflect the genre of the game. The naming policy encompasses first and last names. The following types of names are inappropriate:
    • 3.1.1 Vile, profane, rude, or racist names including common swear words, anatomical references, racial slurs, and homonyms of these words.
    • 3.1.2 Combinations of words that produce an offensive result (e.g., Hugeaz, Tug Mcgroin, KneeGrow).
    • 3.1.3 Any and all drug references.
    • 3.1.4 Proper names from the Star Wars universe, including the first or last name of any significant NPC or Creature in Star Wars Galaxies or the Star Wars universe (e.g. Skywalker, Greedo, Vader, Exar Kun, Xizor, Fett, Revan, Acklay, Krayt, Gorax, Fire (for Fire Spider)
    • 3.1.5 Any modern public, historical or religious personage references. (e.g God, Jesus, Allah, Satan, Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Biden, Trump)
    • 3.1.6 Names chosen with the intent, or possessed of the effect of harming the reputation of, or used to impersonate an SWGEmu staff member.
    • 3.1.7 Names chosen with the intent to disrupt gameplay for others
    3.2 For all of the above, misspellings and alternative spellings of the word or words are also unacceptable. Guild Tags that violate the above rules will be disbanded and the guild leader will be subject to disciplinary action. Characters with any of the above types of name violations can be deleted. There will be no reimbursements made for any items, structures, credits, skills, or any other game related issue directly related to the character name being changed for the above violations. Items or objects with these words will be deleted without reimbursement.

    3.3 Combinations of items or structures that violate the above rules will also be deleted without reimbursement for the item, structure, credit investment or contents. Any other name deemed inappropriate that may not fall under the above categories will be deleted at the decision of SWGEmu Staff, who have the final say on all name changes. Repeated violations can also result in an account ban.
    (This means we will no longer be renaming structure or content. If it violates the TOS it will be deleted)


    Note: Violating any of the below rules will result in disciplinary action being taken against the character that may include official warnings, @muteplayer, @kill, @kick, and @ban. Multiple infractions by a character or several characters associated with an account will result in the @ban on that account. If more than one account resides in the household they will all be banned.

    4.1. You may not harass or threaten other players (sexually, racially, or otherwise). Final determination of player infraction and severity will be made by a CSR. This includes but is not limited to: Hate Mongering, Sexual Abuse. Harassment, Training, Phishing and Spamming.
    • 4.1.1 Harassment is defined as any unwanted or unwelcome behavior beyond the limits of good taste, civility and appropriate game context. Please report any harassment (with relevant supporting evidence) to SWGEmu Support Staff. Staff will make a determination of any possible infractions that result from their investigation.
    • 4.1.2 Training is defined as pulling/leading a hostile NPC or creature along behind you to attempt to get it to attack another player who does not desire that engagement.
    • 4.1.3 Phishing is defined as deliberately and persistently wandering into the "visibility radius” of a Jedi to force them onto BH terminals. That said, the galaxy’s currently a dangerous place for a Jedi and they can’t expect to be in one location for long without attracting attention.
    • 4.1.4 Spamming is defined as excessive and inappropriate use of spatial communications (i.e. emote spamming, excessive hawking or tip spamming). Rule of thumb, once every 3 minutes (/pause 180) is plenty for hawking (selling) an item or advertising for buffs. Buff instructions from entertainers can be given in group chat to keep from cluttering up spatial. As there is no Auto-AFK timeout on the server, emotes (/smile, /clap, etc) in your macros serve no purpose other than to clutter up spatial, and should not be used. Note: excessive numbers of hawkers in an area may be removed from the server by a CSR.
    • 4.1.5 Scamming is defined as a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit. It is also defined as to cheat or defraud with a scam. Proof from the involved account must be submitted to SWGEmu Staff in a ticket and an investigation will be done to determine if it is indeed scamming. (E.g. purposefully mislabeled bags)
    • 4.1.6 Player made channels will be player moderated. Violations of TOS in these channels can be submitted to SWGEmu Staff to see if it warrants disciplinary action
    • 4.1.7 Hate Mongering is defined as the act or practice of stirring up hatred or enmity in others. This includes the calling of names (e.g, Retard, autistic, ***, *****, etc) in a harmful manner. Also, starting a conversation you know will make someone react in a manner that is against TOS. Please report this (with relevant supporting evidence) to SWGEmu Support Staff. Staff will make a determination of any possible infractions that result from their investigation.
    4.2. You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language, in any language. The presence of any form of preventative filter or other game features is not license or permission, tacit or otherwise, to use such language in any form. The account is subject to and can lead up to a ban.

    4.3. You may not impersonate any SWGEmu Staff Member or associated Server Admins, past or present. This includes any form of parody, jest, or attempt to deflect other players for fear of action being taken against their account. This includes:
    • 4.3.1 Attempting to Defraud a Staff Member - Petitioning with false information with the intention of receiving benefits as a result. This includes reporting bug deaths, item loss, or fraudulently accusing other players of wrongdoing.
    • 4.3.2 Impersonating a CSR or falsely representing yourself to another player as SWGEmu Staff.
    • 4.3.3 Arguing with CSR personnel in tells after they have resolved an issue according to the rules. If you have an issue with how a CSR has handled your case, you may put in a ticket requesting a review.
    • 4.3.4 CS Personnel Abuse - sending excessive unsolicited tells to a CSR, Admin or Dev, excessively using say or other channels to communicate to a CSR, making physical threats, using abusive language against a CSR
    • 4.3.5 Submitting inappropriate or spamming CS tickets - submitting tickets with abusive language and/or profanity or continual submission of CS tickets regarding any issue which a CSR has already determined is closed.
    • 4.3.6 Using Threats of Retribution by SWGEmu Staff Member Friends - attempting to convince another player that they have no recourse in a disagreement because favoritism is shown to one of the parties by the SWGEmu Staff.
    • 4.3.7 You may not use CSR, GM, QA, EC or DEV as any part of your name or bio, even if you had the positions on live. These designations are reserved for current staff members.
    Please note that this list is not all inclusive and a CSR/Admin may determine that other actions are considered abuse. This will be done on a case by case review.

    4.4. You may not violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation, while accessing or utilizing any SWGemu server. Violation of any said laws will result in the immediate termination of your account.

    4.5. You may not modify any part of the Star Wars Galaxies client. This includes but is not limited to:
    • 4.5.1 Any hardware or third party software that allows unattended game play, alters movement speed of your character, or anything other action which we determine as an unfair advantage to your character.
    • 4.5.2 Client mods that negate or alter the need for interaction with any profession, increase or change the stats of any item, increase inventory or interface with third party programs so that AFK play is enabled.
    • 4.5.3 Client mods produced by the SWGEmu Client Developer and Modification Team and officially approved by the Development Team and TC Server Admins are the exception to this rule. All "Test" Mods distributed must come from the Client Mod Team Lead. All mod "Testers" must remove any testing mods (such as ID) at the time the profession is fully implemented unless authorized by the head of the Client Mod Team to continue testing. Sharing "Test" Mods with other players without authorization from the Client Mod Team Lead is considered a violation of our TOS and may result in action against your account.
    • 4.5.4 Please be aware that unofficial client mods may contain keyloggers or other malicious code. SWGEmu does not condone or support the use of unofficial client mods. A list of distributed "Test Mods" associated with accounts will be kept, all other accounts held by the player may not use the mods. Any account using unofficial client mods is subject to disciplinary actions including account deletion.
    4.6. You may not arrange for the exchange, transfer or selling of any pirated or illegal software while utilizing SWGEmu server, services or Forums.

    4.7. You may not organize or be a member of any player association or groups on the SWGEmu Servers that is based on or espouses any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay or other hate-mongering philosophy. You also may not organize or be a member of any player association which habitually violates the SWGEmu Rules and Policies.
    • 4.7.1 Note: Player Association and Guild leaders condoning, participating in, or knowingly allowing such action to occur may also be held responsible for the actions of their Player Association and may result in disciplinary action being taken against the account. Player Associations which violate the above rules are subject to disbandment.
    4.8. You will not upload or transmit, in SWGEmu server or website, any pornographic or other material relating to minors or copyrighted content that you do not own all rights.

    4.9. You may not disrupt the normal playability of a game world area. Area Disruption is defined as any activity, intentional or unintentional, which harms or inconveniences a larger number of players. Disruption includes, but is not limited to, such things such as:
    • 4.9.1 Deliberately blocking a doorway or a narrow area so other players cannot get past or trapping other players using objects, or items.
    • 4.9.2 Placing any object (such as pets, droids, structures, city facilities) which prevent access to game content (anything in the game, including city structures, houses, caves, mission terminals, etc.) or trap other players.
    • 4.9.3 Using graphics intensive weaponry to duel in high traffic areas or pulling/storing broken vehicles in rapid succession.
    • 4.9.4 Organizing, holding, or participating in protests held in high traffic areas (such as busy Starports or other areas where many players normally gather).
    4.10 The SWGEmu Team encourages the reporting of any and all exploits. You are required to immediately report and discontinue use of all discovered exploits or face disciplinary action listed below.
    • 4.10.1 A bug is defined as an unintended result of a game function that is unintentionally encountered and/or cannot be bypassed without altering the intended gameplay experience.
    • 4.10.2 Exploiting is defined as the commission of an action within the game to circumvent or alter the normal functions of said game.
    • 4.10.3 Hacking is defined as altering the client to perform functions outside of its normal operation, altering data transmitted between the client and server, or attempting to gain unauthorized access to SWGEmu servers.
    • 4.10.4 Report all exploits to, Mantis Bug Tracker, SWGEmu Support, or drop a PM on the forums and/or Discord to Admins or Devs. Do not publicly share potential exploits (e.g. on the forums) or you may be subject to disciplinary action yourself.
    • 4.10.5 Offenders are required to immediately disclose all known information about the exploit. Failure to comply with this policy will result in immediate actions taken against the offending accounts. Punishment will be determined by SWGEmu Staff depending on the severity of the offense and willingness to disclose details of the exploit.
    4.11. You may not submit excessive tickets to the bug ticket system. As SWGEmu is still a developing project, the staff are aware that numerous bugs are present. While we encourage users to submit tickets on all issues that they find, we are a small team. Users are highly encouraged to keep unanswered or open tickets to 10 or less. Excessive ticketing or spamming the ticket system with the intention of griefing the staff are subject to disciplinary actions. Please search our knowledge base before submitting a ticket to see if the issue has been addressed.
    • 4.11.1 Note: "Roleplaying" and "Testing the Server Stability" does not grant license to violate these rules. You may not operate a Player Association (Guild) that habitually violates these rules.
    4.12. Do not promote or advertise other SWGEmu or non-SWGEmu based servers on any of our services (e.g. TC: Nova, ThePit, TC-Prime, Basilisk, Mantis, forum, or Discord)

    4.13 You may not arrange for or participate in "Fight Clubbing" or "Kill Trading" while using our services. Being found in violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action taken that will include permanent expulsion from the Force Ranking System without the ability to rejoin either Enclave.

    4.13.1 A Fight Club is defined as an organized activity in which player(s) bypass the intended PvP gameplay mechanics for FRS XP gain and kill one another for the gain of Force Ranking Experience without properly earning it in normal PvP methods.

    4.13.2 Kill-Trading is defined as an organized activity in which players allow one another to be killed by means of rotating the PvP kill list in order to bypass the intended PvP gameplay mechanics for Force Ranking Experience.


    5.1 You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while on the SWGEmu Servers, Forums, Discord or social media. Failure to follow instructions from SWGEmu Personnel may result in disciplinary action being taken against the account that may include warnings, temporary bans or terminations.

    5.2 We reserve the right at all times (but have no obligation) to remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Services and to terminate users or reclaim usernames.

    5.3 These rules are subject to change at any time.

    5.4 If these rules are violated SWGEmu Staff is not obligated to give notice before the account is kicked or banned unless stated specifically in the rules above.

    5.5 SWGEmu Staff can deny service for any reason at any time.

    ~ The SWGEmu Staff
    Last edited by Lolindir; 06-03-2023 at 09:30 PM.
    SWGEmu Admin

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