The Galactic Entertainers Society Presents...
The Dantari Day of the Joining Eve Celebration
As Republic anthropologists have observed and recorded... Every year, around this time, local Dantari tribes gather together with friendly neighboring tribes to present their newest young adults to mingle with others their age in hopes of finding mates. During this "Joining Festival", young mates prove their worthiness in performing various tribal tasks. On the Eve of the final day of the gathering, a huge feast is prepared for all to share, followed by tribal music and dancing. On the final day of the gathering, the "Day of the Joining", mates are selected and joined together in a ceremony. The tribes then part ways and head off back into the wilderness.
After learning of the primitive courting rituals, settlers marked the "Day of the Joining" they first observed on their calendars, and celebrated it annually as a day of renewing relationships with their partners. And the Eve of this holiday is celebrated as a time for friends to come together, with food and song and dance, to celebrate life and friendship, and maybe even serve as a venue for young lovers to find each other.
You are cordially invited to attend the celebration!
Where: The River Lounge - Fanfar, Dantooine /waypoint -800, -6400
When: Monday, February 13th, 2017 - 9:00 PM EST
The colors for this event are Red, White, and Black. Please find your favorite tailor and dress to impress!
You can bring your favorite character(s) or you can roll yourself an Entertainer/Dancer/Musician or two and join in on the fun!
Feel free to bring a friend and spread the word to others.
There will be groups for Master Dancers & Musicians.
Please leave your weapons and armor at home. Please be on-leave.
Please, no dueling or fighting inside the cantina.
Please do not bring any pets inside the cantina.
Thank you all, we hope to see you there!
Special thanks to Flourish <FLO> for helping make this event possible!
If you are interested in hosting a future GES event, please get in touch with me!
We're looking to host at least one event, every month, in a new and different location!