Quote Originally Posted by Starkiller01 View Post
I really don't understand why people cant see it, its perfectly simple.

you have 500 skill points spread across 2 characters that you can spend on whatever you want. you can swap and change templates as much as you want, limited only by the speed it takes you to grind.

If every player has a doctor, entertainer, weaponsmith, armoursmith, arcitect, bioengineer, chef, DE, BH, commando, jedi, melee tank, and smuggler, then what need is there for them to interact with anyone else at all? They are completely self sufficient.

I would say people forget too easy, but lets face it, its 18 years since swg launched. the reason WHY we loved this game, is BECAUSE it forced you to interact with others, I forged so many friendships because i needed a specific item or profession, and because they provided a quality good or service, i came back to them, and we talked about other things separate to business.

You will not see a reduction in players due to reduced character slots, you will see an increase. SWGEMU is the only provider that has a platform to do this, other servers have tried but because the player base was so small it could not sustain a restriction of character slots. Now we finally have a chance to make this work with 2 character slots, and people want to go back to easy mode. I promise the in game economy will be a million times healthier as a result of the 2 character limit.
This is really a strawman argument tbh. NOBDOY is going to play 10 classes at once or 12 like you listed and be anywhere near as good at them as somebody that focuses on just a couple. Sure you can be seven things at once, but this new thing called time will prevent you from being excellent at them all.

Somebody playing 10 guys at once is not going to make the top quality gear and NEWSFLASH, they will still be interdependent because you just cant harvest and make EVERYTHING faster than you can simply buy it.

Ten is too many, 2 is too few for the current pop.